Friday, June 17, 2005


Musicians Without Borders

Tough Problems - Simple Solutions
Yesterday evening, i went with a couple of friends to the UvA for a mini concert/presentation by the Vrouvolk (some women folk) who work for the NGO "Musicians Without Borders" see Their purpose is to use the power of music to promote respect and tolerance among people and communities and to help create a peaceful, global society (something like using music for conflict resolution) Its roots were in the former ethnic conflicts between Serbs and Albanians. How blinding the world has become to such simple ways to deal with problems. Its Amazing what music can do .... as someone put it once.....if its taken human beings 5000 years to put wheels on their suitcases/luggage......are we really that intelligent?" Or as one of my favourite quotes from Calvin & Hobbes "The only sure way that intelligent life exists in outer space is the fact that none of it has tried to contact us"

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