Thursday, July 21, 2005


Extra-Terrestrial Activism

Should Man Venture Into Space & Other Planets ?

Leave Mars for the Martians.

There exists just as many disadvantages as advantages associated with "discovering space"; Other than the "usual suspects" such as internally imbeded human habits; mans selfish nature......or State Ego (Some countries Ego's outdo not going to mention names...and that doesnt mean i like some countries more than others), Fight to remain dominant or gain power & recognition (theres a possibility of discovering resources out there......), display of strength (showing off ........ so human)........Advantages are many (to remain idiot proof, i will refrain from using any scientific language) In Irish; We could discover great resources out there, we could test our abilities and learn from mistakes, who knows we may meet other beings out there and learn from them, it could give us a chance to re-live life one more time on another planet only this time try to do things right....etc etc.....then we have the cobwebs......its so damn expensive; why dont we spare this money to save the poor....why should we explore due to our capitalistic instincts, earth had enough, we wasted it, we pay for it, why do we have to go out there and destroy more, its risky and dangerous, I dont even want to imagine getting stuck somewhere in a space ship, getting blown up and my remains floating around due to lack of gravity, never to be recovered, why do we need to prove a point of superiority? and of course....why do we want to spark a war with the extra terrestrials ??

The image above is thought to have been captured by the greenpeace movement that has outdone its activism skills by getting them to the Martians before anyone else :-) . Speaking about country Ego....if Kenyan politicians are so great.....they should have already thought up a year where Kenya sends its first space ship (I have been inspired by writings from my Ukrainian friend "Volodja": whose country has invested on space industry). Lets take a moment for world peace. I would like to hear your thoughts on if humans should go to space (forget the part about Kenya, thats hallucinating.....but i bet we were the first country to come up with public service vehicles (mathrees/matatus) that move as fast as space ships, have mobile discotheques, police aversion utilities and where theres always space for one more).......and oh for those who were in Nairobi when the IOC (International Olympics Committee) had made its visit; Mr Sports Minister actually proposed Kenya for the 2017 Olympics or was it the 2012 (LOL).

Monday, July 18, 2005



Thought of the day
I wish i was a glow worm. A glow worm's never glum; how can you be unhappy when the sun shines out your bum !

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


My 3 day year in London

Finally back safe from London; probably the most familiar city to visit for a Kenyan; I couldnt help feeling like I was walking along westlands ....the red telephone booths, hearing people speaking swahili loosely, traditional fish & chips (Kenchick kabisa !), driving on the right side of the road and of course.......all signs were in English !!! I was only there for 3 whole days but it felt like i had been there forever; the commotion from winning the 2012 Olympics hosting, G8 summit, crowds gathering to commemorate WW2, raves with familiar music, Oh....and theres Tusker... and not forgetting my second bomb blast experience, only that the Londoners handled it differently......I just never realised how much Nairobi is a copy-paste of London. I couldnt travel around much of course with limited transport (What are the odds that when you go visit a city bombings will occur anyway....); And oh....Buckhingham Palace is a dissapointment :-[

Back in Amsterdam; the security at the airports much tighter than in London, people looking taller and blonder and communicating in noises that sound like swear words, the signs in a language i cant pronounce, the shop attendants not knowing any form of customer service ..... I grab my bike and join the bike traffic jam along the crowded streets at the center....dodging dog poop, trams and insinuately annoying tourists......I love Amsterdam.

Monday, July 04, 2005


Dessins Julian Beever/ Julian Beever Art

Julian Beever is an english artist who’s famous for his art on the pavements of Europe. His speciality ? He gives to his drawing an anamorphose (3D illusion), his images are drawn completely in diforms which give a 3D image when viewed on the right angle … !!! .....illusions drawn in a special distortion in order to create an impression of 3 dimensions when seen from one particular viewpoint; isnt this great?


Dear Santa; Can we borrow Gaddafi for President?

If theres a man whose reputation could never exceed his name (seriously); That would be Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.... Dont you just love the guy? I mean, despite some of his "over the top" actions; he is the one PERFECT president for Kenya. We cant rule ourselves; our greatest enemy is ourselves, and we dont seem to be getting ourselves better....therefore; we need a shrewd no nonsense head master to whip us back in place. I say we borrow him for the next 5 years, whaddaya reckon?

At the just concluded pre-G8 African Union summit of African leaders at Gaddafis' home town of Sirte in Libya, the man uttered the words that no other African leader could even murmur in their day dreams - Stop begging, Africa leaders ... . He told them to "stop begging" for Western charity; "Begging will not make the future of Africa - it creates a greater gap between the great ones and the small ones".His 30-minute speech received muted applause from other African leaders. ( If i was in that summit i would pull off a stunt like the Irish christian fanatic that disrupted the marathon in Athens 2004......); i would first of all be a celeb but above all....i would get to hug Sir Gaddafi.

And with that my dear friends; because he has put me in such a good mood.....all the beer is on me tonight or if you book with me in good time; ....Oh, and if anyone knows how I can apply to be his Lady Body Guard; please let me know - Im looking for a job :-)

Have a Gaddafi day

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